Modern Home Appliances


Basically, all refrigerators fall into three general types as outlined here:

  1. Compact units can be as small as 2 cubic feet for use in an office, family room, nursery, or den. Some have a cart so that they can be rolled out to the pool or patio. There are also under counter and wall-cabinet compact refrigerators, usually about 7 cubic feet in size that fit in with standard kitchen cabinets. These units are popular for apartments and vacation homes. Compacts usually have a manual defrost.
  2. In the conventional upright model, the freezer compartment is enclosed by an inner door inside the fresh foods section. Temperature in the freezer stays at 10 to 20 degrees, adequate for short-term storage. Generally this model is available in 9- to 13-cubic-foot sizes and is the lowest in price of standard types.
  3. Two-door standard upright refrigerator/freezer combinations have separate doors for each compartment. In many two-door units, the freezer door is at the top of the appliance, sometimes referred to as top-mount. Other designs provide a freezer space alongside the refrigerator space, while still others have the freezer compartment in the lower section, sometimes referred to as bottom-mount. The two-door, side-by-side model seems to be gaining favour. This type offers storage at a convenient height for both refrigerator and freezer. Doors do not require as much space to open because they are narrower than other types. A few models even have three doors, with the third compartment designed for ice cube production, water cooling, etc.


Both the compact and the various standard types can be had in freestanding or built-in models. The latter are frequently preferred because of their ability to fit into the overall design of the kitchen. However, the built-in models are quite a bit more expensive than the freestanding types. Refrigerator/freezers vary in size due to several design types. They vary in width from 31 inches (79 cm) to 48 inches (122 cm) and may be as large as 60 inches (152 cm) wide for some side-by side styles Freestanding, uprights, or top-mounts may be from 33 to 36 inches (84 to 91 cm) wide, 69 to 71 inches (175 to 180 cm) high, and 33 to 34 inches (84 to 86 cm) deep. A bottom-mount can be 33 inches (84 cm) wide, 34 inches (86 cm) deep, 68 inches (173 cm) high Side-by-side designs vary from 33 to 37 inches (84 to 94 cm) wide, 69 to 71 inches (1.75 to 180 cm) high, and 33 to 35 inches (84 to 89 cm) deep.

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